Empowering the Paralysis Journey One Solution at a Time
In-Patient Visits
Weekly Online Meetup
Monthly Women's Meetup
Monthly In Person Meetup
One-On-One Mentors
TLC Packages
Shared SCI Directory
Medical Equipment Exchange
Education about Paralysis
Friday Nights Out
Bowling with Sutter Health
Hiking with NatureTrack
Recreational Equipment Rentals
Sacramento Adaptive Expo
See What's Happening in the Community

Welcome To Our Community
We are a diverse group of adults living everyday with the challenges of paralysis. Our members consist of all levels of spine injury or disorder from paraplegic to quadriplegic, and from newly injured to fifty years post injury. Our ethos is solution oriented; by helping others we help ourselves.
At TLC we strive to create a safe, welcoming, environment that is respectful, encouraging and supportive to its members. We provide opportunity for people to connect with others that are on the paralysis journey (or supporting someone that is) to gain valuable insights that can provide solutions and can build life long friendships. Our programming invites people back into society to participate in life after injury on their personal timeline.
Our local programming is based in the Greater Sacramento Area and extends to the surrounding counties of California. Our online programming reaches people all over the United States. We welcome anyone from anywhere who is looking to connect with the paralysis community.